Thursday 12 July 2012

Google Glass All Set For Release In 2013?

Google Glass All Set For Release In 2013?

Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his company's Google Glass Project hit the news again. Brin was just recently on Current TV's "The Gavin Newsom Show" in California.
According to a CNN report, on the above show, Brin gave California Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom an upclose and personal encounter with the gadget.
On the same show, Brin showed off the device to the audience while hinting on a possible commercial release date of the said gadget. Brin had said "There are still prototypes. I have some hopes to maybe get it out sometime next year."

Google's augmented reality eyewear was announced earlier this year although Google hasn't been very outgoing in its marketing approach that made people wonder when it will be released.

It appears that Newsom was very impressed and satisfied with Google Glass when he said the words "fascinating and amazing" after trying on the glass himself.
It is believed that Brin's goal is to focus his energy building and developing more intricacies in the Google Glass augmented reality project where he puts his hopes that by 2013 he could share it among consumers and the whole world as well.
To note, this is also the first time in the history of Google that an outsider of the tech company has given the privilege to publicly try out a Google gadget.

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